Queens, New York


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Jacques Review sits down with Guitelle S. for a review of The Shed Restaurant. Guitelle has been posting reviews on Yelp since 2017. She became an elite reviewer in 2021. As of today, she has done 223 reviews and posted 643 pictures. You can find her reviews here. On Sunday, Sept 4, Guitelle and a few of us met up at The Shed Restaurant in Plainview. It was part one of the get-togethers for my brother's birthday. There was initial frustration in that it did take some time for us to be seated. I was already there for an hour

Life with Polo is a series detailing my experience as a father. The first part of the series can be found here. It was the morning of September 3, 2022. I was asleep. Perhaps I was having one of those dreams that I usually don’t remember when I was suddenly awakened by my new somewhat sporadic alarm. Polo was moving around in his June bed - what we call his bassinet in honor of a beloved friend. The sounds were that of one who had enough and wanted to feel the embrace of one of the two people he

My Chicago 2022 experience came as a result of a wedding invitation. The couple met in Chicago and wanted to channel the nostalgic energy of the start of their love story by having their beautiful ceremony there. Family and friends, in support and celebration of the grand affair, flew from all over the country to celebrate the most special occasion. Some came from the couple's home area of California, some from Trinidad, some from the Philippines, and still some from various places in the south. Still, like me, some came from NYC. The time came and the ceremony was underway. The

LeBron Raymone James Sr. (LBJ), born December 30, 1984 (age 37), is an American professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers of the NBA. LBJ, also known as the “kid from Akron,” “King James,”  and a critically acclaimed contender for the Greatest of All Time (GOAT) title, is arguably the single most significant athlete in relation to Hyper-Fan Migration (HFM) in NBA fandom.  I can already hear naysayers calling cap and raising their hands in pandemonium. Let me clear up a few things. First, I don’t consider myself a basketball analyst. I love basketball. My opinion here is simply that