Queens, New York


Book Review

Nijay K. Gupta (PhD, University of Durham) has published his 15 New Testament Words of Life: A New Testament Theology for Real Life. Gupta describes his intentions as not adding to the already large and voluminous body of similarly crafted approaches in works available under the New Testament theology banner, but something different. How different? “This book, 15 New Testament Words of Life, is my attempt to make a case that the New Testament is riveting, divinely inspired collection of writings on love, peace, hope, friendship, generosity, and more” (xv). Riveting? Is Gupta making things up? When was the last time

Aspiring Socio-Political Commentator As a non-specialist, I thought it was important to immerse myself in reading works by experts that go into greater detail than a tweet, a FB status, or a blog post. This is especially of urgency seeing that I am not currently taking courses and my day job as a behavior specialist assistant does not allow me to spend long periods going through detailed material. Activities of that nature can best be done when one is away from work and (if you want to be honest) friends. As an aspiring writer and one who loves to read, it was

Ibram X. Kendi (Ph.d., Temple University) is Professor at the School of International Service and Director at the Antiracist Research & Policy Center at American University. He’s 2016 book, Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America (STP), is ground breaking. It is a winner of the National Book Award and is a New York Times Bestseller. I concur with the accolades. Readers from all ethnic or racial groups will be challenged by STP’s new perspective. This is a must-buy. Dr. Kendi identifies the objective of this work as narrating “the entire history of racist ideas, from