Queens, New York


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I was born on June 12, 1980 in Hôpital Universitaire Justinien, in Cap-Haïtien, Ayiti, to Seventh-day Adventists. In a sort of genealogical conversation with my father, Erodothe Jacques, as far as he can tell, he became the third in a familial line of Adventists that became elders. I don’t know how far back it goes. My grandfather, Labbe Octavil Jacques, and my great-grandfather, Benjamin Octavil Jacques, all served as elders in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ayiti. It seems like a natural trajectory that I, or at least one of my siblings (if not all of us) would one day

JACQUES REVIEW would like to welcome Dr. Brittany Brown to the Scholar Edition of Spotlight. This interview series features in-depth conversations with interviewees of various backgrounds and occupations. It provides a look into the planning and unique personal career journeys of each individual. It even offers small glimpses into their private lives. The finished product hopes to convey that every story matters, is worth hearing, and has a great deal of significance to the mosaic called humanity. I don't know how or why I came across Brittany's Instagram page. She is the curator of @theblackarchaeologist. She began posting on July 6,